Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Script for the next 3 months!

Ok, so after writing another check (yea, I wrote a check, can you believe it, they still make/accept those) to The University of Advertising - Miami, I finally got my sentence (aka schedule) for next quarter. My encarceration will proceed with the following timeline:

WRT 504 Improv/Standup Comedy: Mon-7 - 10pm,
WRT 505 Script Writing (Radio/TV/Web): Tue-7 - 10pm
DGT 305 Design, Animation and Sound: Thu-9a - 12pm
POP 104 Interactive Concepting: Wed-9a - 12pm
POP 113 Heroes: Mon-5 - 7pm

First of all, the renaming of the classes is annoying. It makes them sound like a combination of TV Guide listings and Continuing Education classes you can take at the local community college.

Secondly, I have two 9am classes. UGH! Ok, ok. I know that's a stupid thing to complain about, since the majority of you out there have probably been at work for a good hour before my class even starts, but you're getting paid to do that, so get off me! : )

Finally, I'm excited about a couple of my class.

1) The stand up class...YES! Can't wait, so pumped!
2) Script Writing....ok, could be cool. Hopefully it's more TV and online stuff, and less radio!
3) Design, Animation, and Sound...I have a feeling that's Flash! I can't say I am all that excited about it. When will I ever use flash? To put my portfolio together maybe? I guess to build a website, but I'm hoping just to have someone do that for me...Muahahaha!
4) Interactive Concepting...again, could be interesting. It will probably depend on the briefs/assignments we get and what brands he assigns.
5) Heroes....???? Come on, it's Guest Speaker. Who are we kidding!


  1. Did you just crap on radio? I retroactively fail you.

  2. Yay! interactive concepting was one of my favorite classes i ever took at mas. and DAMMIT i've wanted to take the stand-up comedy class since i started school. i wonder if they'd let me...
