Third video for my class assignment
The ramblings of a man armed only with wit, a laptop, and a well groomed beard.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This Is Sportscenter!
This is the second video I made on Animoto (both are for class)! I think these turned out better than I expected!
This is Sportscenter
This is my first ever attempt at making a video. It was pretty interesting, and easy! I'm sure this isn't the last one I'll make because this was pretty fun!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Cannes Ad Contest: Oxfam Signature
This is a great ad for the upcoming Oxfam Conference for climate change in Copenhagen. Oxfam is trying to collect as many signatures as they can for a petition to influence policymakers to make stronger efforts and be more aggressive with their actions to stop climate change. Check it out!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Too many streams of thought!
I don't think I'd make a great blogger. Thoughts run in and out of my head too fast to go to my blog and type them out, and if I did, I don't think sarcastic one-liners make great blog entries! So I apologize to people out there that may visit my wonderful blog and are disappointed that I don't have any long, drawn out ideas about why I think those orange candy peanuts (a.k.a Halloween Crap Candy) are a conspiracy conjured up by cheerleaders from South Carolina!

Give me a "C", give me an "R", give me an "A", give me a "P"...what's that spell???

Give me a "C", give me an "R", give me an "A", give me a "P"...what's that spell???
Sunday, April 19, 2009
There doesn't seem to be much in their legal briefs!
I REALLY need to start watching more judge shows. There's some great material here.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Nuts are not the opposite of eyes!
This is such a great clip, considering SNL kind of sucks these days; with the exception of it's Digital Shorts, of course

Video Link
"So you think the opposite of the word "for", spelled F..O..R, is the number 5. And that Speed Stick is the opposite of sure?" HAHAHA!

Video Link
"So you think the opposite of the word "for", spelled F..O..R, is the number 5. And that Speed Stick is the opposite of sure?" HAHAHA!
Friday, April 10, 2009
This is a pretty funny video of Twitter co-founder Biz Stone on The Colbert Report.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Biz Stone | |||| | ||||
Thursday, April 9, 2009
"Tweet-mart"... Why is there no twitter marketplace??
I consider myself a semi-professional tweeter (although I'm keeping my general status as "amateur" for my eligibility in the Olympics), and think I'm pretty well versed in what is available with and/or the capabilities of Twitter; however, one thing I haven't been privy to is a Twitter "marketplace". I expected at this point to encounter a somewhat well organized function of twitter that allows retailers to post links to product information or even products themselves for sale, and be readily available for consumers to access.
I can just see tweeters signing up and following their favorite online retailer or have their ebay/amazon accounts linked to Twitter, so that they would get tweets throughout the day of sales and discounts available that week, that day, or even a more impact-full call to action of "for the next two hours, the price is 50% off" type of special.
I truly hope companies are already doing this, because at this point in the lifespan of Twitter, they should be well ahead of me in their strategic business planning.
What if Wal-Mart were to create several Twitter feeds that were more specific to certain product categories; organize their feeds the way they do their stores; have separate feeds for Home/Garden, Electronics/Entertainment, etc. That way, tweeters could receive posts specific to their needs.
Other accounts I was surprised I didn't see were grocery stores, such as Publix or Winn Dixie. What better way to drive traffic to your store then to send Twitter posts to followers with current specials and sales on products you can offer for that day or week. This would be the perfect opportunity to use specials like, "All produce 25% off until 7pm". Use that sense of urgency, so important in sales, to get people to go to your store for something they might not need right now, but don't want to feel like they are passing up a great deal on it.
To take this to another level, why aren't restaurants taking advantage of Twitter; sending out posts mid-morning advertising lunch specials, and sending links to coupons towards the end of the workday to come in for dinner. I'd follow TGIFridays and Outback Steakhouse twitter accounts in a second if I knew I'd get some good deals for a couple weekday lunches or dinners.
The good thing about Twitter is that it's selective, it's personalized. You don't receive "spam" like you do with email. You choose what updates and news you want to receive, without having to sort through all that static of things you don't want or need. Here's the chance to hit your target market in a way they haven't been reached before, with a type of filter that eliminates all the clutter and static of other mediums.
I'm not saying that some companies don't already do this, but there doesn't seem to be a well organized or even well publicized method of using Twitter as a medium for actual sales. I'd imagine that the first company to fully utilize the ability of Twitter to reach the masses will come out in a pretty good position.
I can just see tweeters signing up and following their favorite online retailer or have their ebay/amazon accounts linked to Twitter, so that they would get tweets throughout the day of sales and discounts available that week, that day, or even a more impact-full call to action of "for the next two hours, the price is 50% off" type of special.
I truly hope companies are already doing this, because at this point in the lifespan of Twitter, they should be well ahead of me in their strategic business planning.
As I was typing this, I ventured to see what retailers like Wal-Mart were doing with Twitter, and to my surprise, there was no official corporate Wal-Mart twitter account. Now there was an @walmartdeals, but it looked as if it was an independant feed, and it seemed pretty unorganized to me. One post was about the new "The Day the Earth Stood Still" DVD, and the one prior to
that referred to their Safari Double Jogging Stroller. These two products don't seem to be,
or shouldn't necessarily be marketed toward the same consumer demographic, so why is Wal-Mart, or @walmartdeals, using the same feed to advertise both. I see that as nothing but clutter in their marketing efforts. If I followed @walmartdeals, I would start to feel as though I am starting to get "spam" feeds when I'd receive tweets for a sale on digital cameras one minute, and posts for a line of baby clothes the next.

or shouldn't necessarily be marketed toward the same consumer demographic, so why is Wal-Mart, or @walmartdeals, using the same feed to advertise both. I see that as nothing but clutter in their marketing efforts. If I followed @walmartdeals, I would start to feel as though I am starting to get "spam" feeds when I'd receive tweets for a sale on digital cameras one minute, and posts for a line of baby clothes the next.
What if Wal-Mart were to create several Twitter feeds that were more specific to certain product categories; organize their feeds the way they do their stores; have separate feeds for Home/Garden, Electronics/Entertainment, etc. That way, tweeters could receive posts specific to their needs.
Other accounts I was surprised I didn't see were grocery stores, such as Publix or Winn Dixie. What better way to drive traffic to your store then to send Twitter posts to followers with current specials and sales on products you can offer for that day or week. This would be the perfect opportunity to use specials like, "All produce 25% off until 7pm". Use that sense of urgency, so important in sales, to get people to go to your store for something they might not need right now, but don't want to feel like they are passing up a great deal on it.
To take this to another level, why aren't restaurants taking advantage of Twitter; sending out posts mid-morning advertising lunch specials, and sending links to coupons towards the end of the workday to come in for dinner. I'd follow TGIFridays and Outback Steakhouse twitter accounts in a second if I knew I'd get some good deals for a couple weekday lunches or dinners.
The good thing about Twitter is that it's selective, it's personalized. You don't receive "spam" like you do with email. You choose what updates and news you want to receive, without having to sort through all that static of things you don't want or need. Here's the chance to hit your target market in a way they haven't been reached before, with a type of filter that eliminates all the clutter and static of other mediums.
I'm not saying that some companies don't already do this, but there doesn't seem to be a well organized or even well publicized method of using Twitter as a medium for actual sales. I'd imagine that the first company to fully utilize the ability of Twitter to reach the masses will come out in a pretty good position.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
"You can't develop ideas based on technology, technology has to develop based on your ideas. That's the only way to be truly innovative!" - Me
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Well this ought to be interesting!
Billy Mays to have his own show on Discovery Channel!
My predictions to its format: starts off with him yelling "Do you ever make your own TV show?", then proceeds to show different ways of messing up your TV show (probably in short black and white video clips of someone bumbling around a TV set), then ends with him showing you how his TV show makes that easier.
I think "ShamWow" Vince is getting his own show too on the Oxygen Network entitled, "You'll Be Saying Ow Everytime"
My predictions to its format: starts off with him yelling "Do you ever make your own TV show?", then proceeds to show different ways of messing up your TV show (probably in short black and white video clips of someone bumbling around a TV set), then ends with him showing you how his TV show makes that easier.
I think "ShamWow" Vince is getting his own show too on the Oxygen Network entitled, "You'll Be Saying Ow Everytime"
RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
"Advertising needs to create an emotion where the consumer didn't know one existed"
Meaning: If people see an ad and can anticipate how they are supposed to feel, there is no connection. There is no element of feeling that reaches out to them. However, when they see something that gives them that element of surprise, a jolt of emotion when they didn't expect one, is when they feel that connection to the product or brand that's needed in order to be effective.
Meaning: If people see an ad and can anticipate how they are supposed to feel, there is no connection. There is no element of feeling that reaches out to them. However, when they see something that gives them that element of surprise, a jolt of emotion when they didn't expect one, is when they feel that connection to the product or brand that's needed in order to be effective.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My Script for the next 3 months!
Ok, so after writing another check (yea, I wrote a check, can you believe it, they still make/accept those) to The University of Advertising - Miami, I finally got my sentence (aka schedule) for next quarter. My encarceration will proceed with the following timeline:
WRT 504 Improv/Standup Comedy: Mon-7 - 10pm,
WRT 505 Script Writing (Radio/TV/Web): Tue-7 - 10pm
DGT 305 Design, Animation and Sound: Thu-9a - 12pm
POP 104 Interactive Concepting: Wed-9a - 12pm
POP 113 Heroes: Mon-5 - 7pm
First of all, the renaming of the classes is annoying. It makes them sound like a combination of TV Guide listings and Continuing Education classes you can take at the local community college.
Secondly, I have two 9am classes. UGH! Ok, ok. I know that's a stupid thing to complain about, since the majority of you out there have probably been at work for a good hour before my class even starts, but you're getting paid to do that, so get off me! : )
Finally, I'm excited about a couple of my class.
1) The stand up class...YES! Can't wait, so pumped!
2) Script Writing....ok, could be cool. Hopefully it's more TV and online stuff, and less radio!
3) Design, Animation, and Sound...I have a feeling that's Flash! I can't say I am all that excited about it. When will I ever use flash? To put my portfolio together maybe? I guess to build a website, but I'm hoping just to have someone do that for me...Muahahaha!
4) Interactive Concepting...again, could be interesting. It will probably depend on the briefs/assignments we get and what brands he assigns.
5) Heroes....???? Come on, it's Guest Speaker. Who are we kidding!
WRT 504 Improv/Standup Comedy: Mon-7 - 10pm,
WRT 505 Script Writing (Radio/TV/Web): Tue-7 - 10pm
DGT 305 Design, Animation and Sound: Thu-9a - 12pm
POP 104 Interactive Concepting: Wed-9a - 12pm
POP 113 Heroes: Mon-5 - 7pm
First of all, the renaming of the classes is annoying. It makes them sound like a combination of TV Guide listings and Continuing Education classes you can take at the local community college.
Secondly, I have two 9am classes. UGH! Ok, ok. I know that's a stupid thing to complain about, since the majority of you out there have probably been at work for a good hour before my class even starts, but you're getting paid to do that, so get off me! : )
Finally, I'm excited about a couple of my class.
1) The stand up class...YES! Can't wait, so pumped!
2) Script Writing....ok, could be cool. Hopefully it's more TV and online stuff, and less radio!
3) Design, Animation, and Sound...I have a feeling that's Flash! I can't say I am all that excited about it. When will I ever use flash? To put my portfolio together maybe? I guess to build a website, but I'm hoping just to have someone do that for me...Muahahaha!
4) Interactive Concepting...again, could be interesting. It will probably depend on the briefs/assignments we get and what brands he assigns.
5) Heroes....???? Come on, it's Guest Speaker. Who are we kidding!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
An AXE Campaign? Hey, no sweat!
I'm not a fan of the "one off" commercials, which is why I usually try not to post stuff that are just individual ads, only good campaigns. I think AXE has been doing some really good stuff lately; not only is it entertaining, but I think they are hitting their target perfectly and positioning themselves as THE product for guys to use.
The television commercials have been pretty good; albeit, they seem to be a little random and scattered as far the content and themes. To me, each one seems to be a different campaign, but that might be what they are going for.
Besides the commercials, they have been launching some great online content. One of the first new campaigns I saw was for their new line of hair products:
Have 100 girls judge your hair!
This is one of the first sites I came across. It shows guys who have uploaded their photos to have their hairstyle judges by a group of 100 women, complete with some entertaining commentary from the female Ryan Seacrest of AXE. You can also upload a picture of yourself, and have the 100 girls judge your hairstyle. Whatever they decide, they give you recommendations on what type of AXE hair product to get in order to change or keep your hair the way it is.
My Hair Judgement

(Yea, that's right 90% girl-approved hair. What were the other 10 girls' problems? Geez!)
Just recently, I came across this little jewel they launched:
It's a talk show format that shows different social situations guys can get themselves into, and how not to do them again or to get out of them. I have seen the entire site yet, but that one episode I did watch, Shock, was pretty funny.
From the Shock episode: "These are like hairy golfballs" HAHAHA!
I have a feeling the male hygiene category will soon be completely saturated with different brands, just as the energy drink genre is now. Actually, I am surprised it hasn't already. However, fortunately for AXE, I think they've branded themselves as lead in the category, just as Red Bull has with energy drinks.
The television commercials have been pretty good; albeit, they seem to be a little random and scattered as far the content and themes. To me, each one seems to be a different campaign, but that might be what they are going for.
Besides the commercials, they have been launching some great online content. One of the first new campaigns I saw was for their new line of hair products:
Have 100 girls judge your hair!
This is one of the first sites I came across. It shows guys who have uploaded their photos to have their hairstyle judges by a group of 100 women, complete with some entertaining commentary from the female Ryan Seacrest of AXE. You can also upload a picture of yourself, and have the 100 girls judge your hairstyle. Whatever they decide, they give you recommendations on what type of AXE hair product to get in order to change or keep your hair the way it is.
My Hair Judgement

(Yea, that's right 90% girl-approved hair. What were the other 10 girls' problems? Geez!)
Just recently, I came across this little jewel they launched:
It's a talk show format that shows different social situations guys can get themselves into, and how not to do them again or to get out of them. I have seen the entire site yet, but that one episode I did watch, Shock, was pretty funny.
From the Shock episode: "These are like hairy golfballs" HAHAHA!
I have a feeling the male hygiene category will soon be completely saturated with different brands, just as the energy drink genre is now. Actually, I am surprised it hasn't already. However, fortunately for AXE, I think they've branded themselves as lead in the category, just as Red Bull has with energy drinks.
RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
"If life were a correctional facility, Advertising would be my GPS ankle monitor."
Meaning: Advertising keeps me connected to everything...whether I want it to or not!
Meaning: Advertising keeps me connected to everything...whether I want it to or not!
Monday, March 30, 2009
RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
"The best thing about the path of life isn't getting to your destination, it's walking the path!"
Meaning: Don't forget about the wonder that is life when going after your goals. Those experiences are what makes the destination even more special.
Meaning: Don't forget about the wonder that is life when going after your goals. Those experiences are what makes the destination even more special.
RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
I love making up quotes, whether they be deep, meaningful, or just plain ridiculous! So from here on out (assuming I will remember), I am going to post my Random Quote of the Day (hence forth knows as as "RQOTD")! Today's gem:
"Brainstorming is like sex; you're crying at the end and its tough to do with the dogs staring at you!"
Meaning:'s pretty self explanatory, just random ridiculousness
Hope you enjoy!
"Brainstorming is like sex; you're crying at the end and its tough to do with the dogs staring at you!"
Meaning:'s pretty self explanatory, just random ridiculousness
Hope you enjoy!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Don't call it a COMEBACK!!
So, I understand not being able to let go of things; an old car, your favorite hat (for girls, maybe a pair of jeans, I don't know), or even a few of your childhood dreams (at some point I knew I wouldn't ever become that fireman/major league pitcher/fighter pilot). But at some point, you have to realize that things are just over.
Eight years ago, Jeff George threw his last NFL pass, which I'm sure was an interception (haha). Now, at 41 years old, he wants to try to make some sort of "rise to power" as an NFL quarterback again.
Really? Really, Jeff? Were you even that good eight years ago? What makes you think you could make it now? I mean, if NFL teams are that desperate for someone to dress out, throw some incompletions, and take a few sacks at $1 million a year, sign me up, I've got some time!
“I’ve been trying to figure out how to get back in, and it just amazes me that I’m not on somebody’s roster,” George said. Take a page out of Drew Bledsoe's or even Vinny Testeverde's playbook Jeff...don't try it! You've already put "delirious" down on your resume, don't add "RIP" to it also!
“I’ve been throwing two or three times a week, and every time I go out there to throw, I can’t believe I’m not a backup somewhere. I know it’s a young man’s game, but you can’t tell me I’m not better than some of the quarterbacks that are out there. I look at teams like Minnesota or Chicago, and I want to scream at the people in charge, ‘What are you thinking?’ ” HA! Two or three times a week, huh? The retirement community lets you out that often for alittle "rec time"? I'd imagine you'd need to throw alittle more than two or three times a week , because if that's all you need, then I refer you back to the "I've got some time" comment.
Well, good luck to the old man if he gets his chance. I just hope all the twenty-something, 400 lbs benching, 4.4 sec 4o running linebackers out there still believe in respecting your elders too, or else his next online article will be his obituary!
Eight years ago, Jeff George threw his last NFL pass, which I'm sure was an interception (haha). Now, at 41 years old, he wants to try to make some sort of "rise to power" as an NFL quarterback again.
Really? Really, Jeff? Were you even that good eight years ago? What makes you think you could make it now? I mean, if NFL teams are that desperate for someone to dress out, throw some incompletions, and take a few sacks at $1 million a year, sign me up, I've got some time!
“I’ve been trying to figure out how to get back in, and it just amazes me that I’m not on somebody’s roster,” George said. Take a page out of Drew Bledsoe's or even Vinny Testeverde's playbook Jeff...don't try it! You've already put "delirious" down on your resume, don't add "RIP" to it also!
“I’ve been throwing two or three times a week, and every time I go out there to throw, I can’t believe I’m not a backup somewhere. I know it’s a young man’s game, but you can’t tell me I’m not better than some of the quarterbacks that are out there. I look at teams like Minnesota or Chicago, and I want to scream at the people in charge, ‘What are you thinking?’ ” HA! Two or three times a week, huh? The retirement community lets you out that often for alittle "rec time"? I'd imagine you'd need to throw alittle more than two or three times a week , because if that's all you need, then I refer you back to the "I've got some time" comment.
Well, good luck to the old man if he gets his chance. I just hope all the twenty-something, 400 lbs benching, 4.4 sec 4o running linebackers out there still believe in respecting your elders too, or else his next online article will be his obituary!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Interior Decorating ca. 1972
Maybe someone can answer me this...was 1972 the year it was decided that grandmothers would stop updating their furniture? I mean, recently my grandmother got new furniture, floors, paint, etc, but before that, I would walk into a sea of brown, deep orange, and light green. I expected Austin Powers to come out of the kitchen at any given point. It's always a comforting thought to know your grandmother lives in a "shag pad"!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Awkward Moment
Does anyone follow my blog yet after 5 mintues of existence?
I ask because on my first post, I "apologized" for not having anything to post yet. When I thought back about it, I said to myself, "Aron, do you think you have some kind of following or something?". Like I have fans or blog subscribers that are logging on saying "Damn, why hasn't Aron posted anything yet? That son of a b*tch!"
Ok, so if anyone is still with me at this point, I had a pretty embarrassing moment again (again meaning I've done this about 10 times). Have you ever gotten off an elevator, either at a hotel or your apartment building, thinking it was your floor, then went to the door that should be your door, stuck your key in the lock and tried for a minute or two to get the lock to open, only to realize then that this isn't your floor and your probably scaring the living hell out of someone at this moment. I've been in their position before, hearing someone jiggle your door and lock, thinking someone is about to barge right into your apartment while your spralled across your couch like a drunk on a park bench!
So after realizing this, I make an I-line (because a B-line would take too long) straight for the elevator and hide in case they come out of their apartment to look for the creepy guy to goes around jiggling door handles! AWKWARD!
I ask because on my first post, I "apologized" for not having anything to post yet. When I thought back about it, I said to myself, "Aron, do you think you have some kind of following or something?". Like I have fans or blog subscribers that are logging on saying "Damn, why hasn't Aron posted anything yet? That son of a b*tch!"
Ok, so if anyone is still with me at this point, I had a pretty embarrassing moment again (again meaning I've done this about 10 times). Have you ever gotten off an elevator, either at a hotel or your apartment building, thinking it was your floor, then went to the door that should be your door, stuck your key in the lock and tried for a minute or two to get the lock to open, only to realize then that this isn't your floor and your probably scaring the living hell out of someone at this moment. I've been in their position before, hearing someone jiggle your door and lock, thinking someone is about to barge right into your apartment while your spralled across your couch like a drunk on a park bench!
So after realizing this, I make an I-line (because a B-line would take too long) straight for the elevator and hide in case they come out of their apartment to look for the creepy guy to goes around jiggling door handles! AWKWARD!
First Post
So this is blogging, huh! I'm just supposed to write about stuff? Easy enough!
Yikes, sorry for the lame rhyme, that'll be the last time. ; )
Ok anyways, this isn't exactly my first blogging experience; albeit, the one I will actually keep up with on a regular basis. Sorry I don't have anything overly entertaining to post quite yet, as I'm still setting up my page. It's like when I move, I always want to get everything unpacked, setup and "decorated" before I start feeling at home. So I hope to have something soon!
Peace out!
Yikes, sorry for the lame rhyme, that'll be the last time. ; )
Ok anyways, this isn't exactly my first blogging experience; albeit, the one I will actually keep up with on a regular basis. Sorry I don't have anything overly entertaining to post quite yet, as I'm still setting up my page. It's like when I move, I always want to get everything unpacked, setup and "decorated" before I start feeling at home. So I hope to have something soon!
Peace out!
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Blog Archive
- There doesn't seem to be much in their legal briefs!
- Nuts are not the opposite of eyes!
- TV is bad for your kids, so get them away from it....
- This is a pretty funny video of Twitter co-founder...
- "Tweet-mart"... Why is there no twitter marketplace??
- RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's...sperm??
- Well this ought to be interesting!
- RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
- They just don't make movies like this anymore...
- My Script for the next 3 months!
- An AXE Campaign? Hey, no sweat!
- RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
- Adweek Ad of the Day Widget
- RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
- RQOTD (Random Quote of the Day)
- Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie
- Don't call it a COMEBACK!!
- I like my Mazel-ritas on the rocks, no salt!
- Interior Decorating ca. 1972
- Awkward Moment
- First Post